May the Force be with You!
A Star Wars Party was definitely in order. The boys had their little friends over for a "Jedi's in Training" Party; it was a blast. First we played, "Don't Eat Luke!", then we had a Galactic Bean Bag toss, stick the explosions on the death star, a Star Wars treasure hunt and finally to prove you were really a Jedi, they had to rescue Princess Leia from the Darth Vader pinata. After Jedi Training, we ate Storm Tooper Pizza, had Yoda sodas (sprite/lime sherbet), and Star Wars cake pops. Then it was present time, oh boy! The boys' favorite part of their party without fail. It was kind of my first chaotic moment of the day, but we all managed to come out of it unscathed.
Keane and Ethan play EVERYDAY with their Star Wars action figures.
This is what their room looks like, EVERYDAY!